child language
- 儿童的语言

Studies of L1 acquisition of English indicate that English INFL and expletives play a crucial role in child language development . These structures trigger the unlearning of null arguments and the resetting of the null argument parameter .
Theoretical Issues in Language Development and Chinese Child Language
Analysis of Factors Influencing Development of Child Language Educational Advices
Abstract Child language acquisition is closely related to general cognitive development .
This is a study of child language perception .
A brief introduction of researches on child language acquisition and cognitive development
Child Language Development from a Formal - Functional Perspective
Analysis of Child Language Development in the Application of Psycho-Linguistics
Scalar Implicature in Chinese Child Language : An Experimental Study
Most studies on child language acquisition are mainly focused on the speech output .
A theoretical interpretation of the order of pronoun acquisition in child language
On Inner Factors of Child Language Acquisition
However , most researches deal with the description and analysis of child language development , namely , language production .
This thesis mainly deals with the language input of Mandarin Chinese and English in early child language acquisition .
The co-ordination compound sentence in child language
There exists some similar but different deep-level motivations and mechanisms between child language acquisition and human language development .
Personal pronoun is a kind of content words with its particular characteristics , which is often used in child language .
The current view of child language development is that it is an instinct-something as natural as eating or sleeping .
Then the model is applied in language generation and statistical and contrast analysis is made among generated language and child language , child-directed language .
Child language development has long been a hot issue and researchers have been fascinated by the seemingly effortless miracle of child language acquisition .
Child language development , which is believed to be a helpful means to understand the nature of language , has been an increasingly popular and important area of study .
It takes upon itself the job of exploring the biological basis of human language , critical periods for child language acquisition , and the relationship between the language and thought .
Linguists think that child language acquisition process reflects how humans acquire their linguistic competence . In addition , they can proof-test the existing language acquisition theories .
As the main speech input in the early stage of child language acquisition , Child-Directed-Speech ( CDS ) has been a controversial topic for a long time .
As to the study of child language acquisition , there are there basic theories about how young children learn new words : associative theory , constraints theory and social-pragmatic theory .
Theoretically , the parametric alteration of speech articulation under different feedback conditions may contribute to child language acquisition , adult foreign language learning and the study of neuropsychological mechanism related to language .
The study of linguistic theory aims to describe the internal rules of language system in human brains and the study of child language acquisition is an important method for understanding the similarities and differences of language .
According to these results we draw a conclusion that the adult language input has an obvious effect on child language output , and there is a positive correlation between the input frequency and child language acquisition .
In order to accommodate the background of the global child language education reform and the wave of Chinese reform and open policy , the second language learning in Chinese early bilingual education turn to a younger age trend .
Furthermore , based on the findings of child language ability and personal data observation , this study attempts to describe the cognitive ability of children at early-verbal stages . Young children are argued to be cognitively mature for dynamic construal operations .